A Word from Our Board Chaplain

What is the role of judgement in the Christian life? 

The judging parts of our brain are critical to our survival. We can’t live without judging things safe or dangerous, right or wrong, good or bad...yet too much judgement can make us sick. 

Jesus warned, “Judge not, lest you be judged.” to remind us how often we take judgement too far, venturing beyond the scope of simple human assessment and trying to judge human hearts  as only an infinite God can.  

How many times do we see the “good guys” of the day, the proper religious people, waiting and watching to see if Jesus would mess up? 

Will Jesus dare to heal on the Sabbath? If he makes this man whole, we can accuse him. (Luke 13) 

Will Jesus dare to let this outcast woman kiss and touch his feet? If he shows her kindness, we can accuse him. (Luke 7) 

Will Jesus sit with this blood-traitor Samaritan woman? If he chooses to show kindness to this enemy, we can accuse him. (John 4) 

And that’s just a few examples. One of the core themes of Jesus’ ministry is him squaring off with the powerful (judgmental) religious people of his day, and it begs the question: how would he square off with the powerful religious people of our day? How would he square off with us?  

It’s easy to pick on the Pharisees, but the truth is we aren’t so different. I’m not so different. I make the same mistake of elevating religious rules over the very people they’re meant to serve, putting principles before people.  

I’ve tried to judge others’ in a way only God can. I’ve let myself get hung up on rules and laws and missed seeing the deep pain of people Christ loves.  

As our nation and world seemingly slip deeper into division, may we follow Christ in seeing the deeper needs of the people around and across from us, refusing to let rules and judgement get in the way of our love.  


Scout Report: Dozens of Fruitful Farm Visits in India


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