Board Chaplain Matthew Willingham Board Chaplain Matthew Willingham

Finding Goodness Beyond Circumstance: Reflections on Ecclesiastes

Each month, we ask our Board Chaplain, David Goodyear, to share reflections from scripture to help challenge, guide, and encourage us in our faith. Here are a few thoughts he reshared based on our board devotionals over the last few months:

In AgGrandize Global board meetings, we've explored the profound insights of Ecclesiastes, particularly the theme of life “under the sun,” which signifies living apart from the divine reality of God.

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Board Chaplain Matthew Willingham Board Chaplain Matthew Willingham

A Word from Our Board Chaplain

What is the role of judgement in the Christian life? 

The judging parts of our brain are critical to our survival. We can’t live without judging things safe or dangerous, right or wrong, good or bad...yet too much judgement can make us sick.

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Farmer First, Farmer Stories Matthew Willingham Farmer First, Farmer Stories Matthew Willingham

Happy Farmer First: Meet Greg Christianson

A few months ago, our team spent time together for in-person work days. The time was productive and rich; it’s such a gift to be in the same room! But our favorite time that week wasn’t around tables, it was out visiting farmers.

Meet Greg Christianson, a Kansas-based farmer, author, and longtime friend to AgGrandize Global. He raises goats and grows a variety of crops in a way that’s easy to respect, but it’s his reflections on the work, his contemplative, kindly way of communicating and listening that really stood out.

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Hamara Heartlands Matthew Willingham Hamara Heartlands Matthew Willingham

Discipleship + Ag At Ebenezer Schools!

Started in 2007, the Ebenezer Trust is a church initiative that exists to disciple young people to live fruitful and wholehearted lives for Christ in their communities. Discipling within an agricultural business context, we equip our apprentices with relevant skills to be productive and profitable, with the potential to transform communities and inspire others.

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Happy Farmer First—Meet Frank the Farmer!

Frank was the first to raise his hand and try something new.

When you’re working in ag development, sometimes it’s tough to convince people to do things differently. When their parents and grandparents and generations of kin all farmed a certain way, choosing to shake things up can be scary.

But Frank has shown a willingness to try..

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Central Asia, Portfolio Partner, Oasis Agro, C Fund Matthew Willingham Central Asia, Portfolio Partner, Oasis Agro, C Fund Matthew Willingham

The Feast of Second Chances

“Shortly after the fine was reduced, I was invited to a party. I’ve lived in Kyrgyzstan for ten years but I didn’t really get the significance of the event until the host gathered his guests and shared his story,” Micah said. “The man explained he had barely escaped a near-fatal car accident weeks prior..."

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Joseph Project, Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan, Events Matthew Willingham Joseph Project, Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan, Events Matthew Willingham

Our Biggest Joseph Project Summit Ever!

Thanks to all Joseph Project attendees as well as the staff, partners, and volunteers who made it possible. It’s no small feat, managing the logistics for an event like this in a fairly obscure city, but teamwork made the dream work, as they say! So grateful, and stay tuned for more moments from this Joseph Project…

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