Urgent Need: Friends Enduring Break-Ins, Corruption
VIDEO: Take two minutes to hear from Micah, Oasis Agro’s executive director.
Our partners at Oasis Agro are requesting your help.
Oasis Agro’s growth and regional success has caught the attention of some competitors, and these competitors have shown they’re willing to play dirty. Take two minutes to hear specifics from the Oasis Agro director, Micah Lund, and how you can push back against the corruption, break-ins, and dirty tactics by helping these portfolio partners fulfill their promise to farmers.
“Some [competitors] are even playing dirty, organizing robbery attempts.”
Pictured above: vandalism at the Oasis Agro offices in Bishkek and the southern city of Osh.
When competitors cheat and play dirty, it would be easy to throw up our hands and give up.
We could say “See? This is why Central Asia is so dependent on imported food."
Yet as people committed to serving farmers and helping vulnerable communities gain self-sufficiency, this is what we signed up for, and we are not helpless or unable to respond. As Jesus followers, we will not resort to playing dirty. We refuse to, and we don’t have to.
Instead of a one-and-done donation, we’re asking you to make a one-time donation that will renew itself through our impact investment fund.
This means your giving becomes a revolving donation, extending your impact for months and years to come!