Happy Farmer First—Meet Frank the Farmer!
Frank was the first to raise his hand and try something new.
When you’re working in ag development, sometimes it’s tough to convince people to do things differently. When their parents and grandparents and generations of kin all farmed a certain way, choosing to shake things up can be scary.
But Frank has shown a willingness to try..
Video: Tour A Zambian Chicken House!
On his most recent trip to East Africa, Director of Investments James Noronha recorded a quick video of a thriving chicken operation in southern Zambia where our funding community you’ve had a big impact...
Your Giving Enabled This New Project In E. Africa!
After this crop, the funds will be recycled for future crops, with the profit going to sustain apprentice tuition and expenses. Thank you for investing in sustainable farm development projects like these!
When Was the Last Time Your Investments Gave You Joy?
While not a common question in the investment world, it’s one our community of impact investors asks often because we’ve seen what even a very small portion of our investments can do to support Kingdom renewal in chronically-underserved parts of the world.
Special thanks to the C Fund investors, who have had a tremendous impact in the lives of farmers in East Africa, Central Asia, and the Caucasus.