Your Giving Enabled This New Project In E. Africa!
Our highest impact partner in East Africa, Hamara Heartlands is based in Zimbabwe and Zambia and run an agricultural discipleship training school called Ebenezer Matabo.
Operating in both Zim and Zam, the two year school’s reputation has grown so much in recent years that many applicants are turned away each year. Only 30 students are accepted each year, 15 male and 15 female, and the training courses are rigorous.
It’s always a joy for our staff to visit the students at Ebenezer, and we’re thrilled to announce a $5000 grant going to the school from the Farmers to Farmers funds donated by this community.
Your giving will enable these farmers to plant a hectare of butternut squash and install new drip irrigation system. Working this field will be the primary responsibility of 2-3 Ebenezer students.
After this squash crop, the funds will be recycled for future crops, with the profit going to sustain apprentice tuition and expenses. Thank you for investing in sustainable farm development projects like these!