Farmer First: Meet Joseph
Every first of the month, we highlight a farmer we love. Some of these are current or former partners, some are AgG volunteers or donors, and some are just amazing people we get to meet along the way.
Today we’re highlighting an big-hearted farmer named Joseph
Give a Fish, Teach to Fish, or Something Better?
Teaching sustainability sounds great in theory. The problem is, it doesn't accurately portray the world's poor. The poor know how to fish, they just don’t have access to the water…
Portfolio Partner: Long Miles Coffee
The European and North American workforce loves coffee, no secret there, but do they love the coffee farmers, too? Historically, the honest answer to that would be…
Shadrach’s Story
When his father died to HIV-AIDS and his mother went missing, Shadrach’s story could have ended like so many other orphans in his area…
Kyrgyz Partners Enduring Attacks From Corrupt Opposition
After an exciting season of growth and success, Oasis Agro—a feed company our community supports in Kyrgyzstan—is facing attacks by corrupt opposition.
A Justice Parable
Plenty of well-meaning groups out there use all the great buzzwords, how do we go beyond nice words and short-term help and actually bring about longterm change?
Consider this old parable…
Introducing Farmers for Farmers!
Small farm crops offer an alternative to regions heavily dependent on imported food. That dependency can leave whole regions vulnerable as volatile food prices swing dramatically in the wake of global events like a pandemic, war, or regional market factors like inflation.