Farmer First: Meet Coffee Farmer Lewis
“We don’t get many visitors, and we work hard—it’s great to share this with you all,” Lewis said with a smile.
He showed us the pulp machine and wash station they had recently acquired thanks to Long Miles and supporters like our C Fund investors.
Happy Farmer First: Meet Greg Christianson
A few months ago, our team spent time together for in-person work days. The time was productive and rich; it’s such a gift to be in the same room! But our favorite time that week wasn’t around tables, it was out visiting farmers.
Meet Greg Christianson, a Kansas-based farmer, author, and longtime friend to AgGrandize Global. He raises goats and grows a variety of crops in a way that’s easy to respect, but it’s his reflections on the work, his contemplative, kindly way of communicating and listening that really stood out.
Farmer First: Towett’s Joy in Growing His Next Meal
In our prosperity, may we never forget that food supply chains are more fragile than many think, stay humble in acknowledging God's daily provision, and keep supporting the farmers willing to grow food and keep life going.
Farmer First: Meet Norman Borlaug
Born in 1914 in Iowa, Norman Borlaug was an American agronomist who developed high-yielding, disease-resistant wheat varieties that revolutionized agriculture and saved millions of lives.
The Parable of the Old Corn Grower
It's an incredible joy to be part of work that leads to mutual, all-around flourishing for yourself and your neighbors. Thanks to all of you who've donated, invested, or volunteered to make that kind of work possible!
Happy Farmer First: Meet Gideon
I worked in the railway industry for decades, but that wasn’t as natural as this. Something about farming, it’s inborn for me, it’s who I am. I wanted to get away from the city and to enjoy a quieter life, and farming has made that possible. Thank you for coming to see what we do here.
Happy Farmer First: Meet Nolodi!
We believe in help that lasts because we’ve seen how often nonprofit work doesn’t. Before starting AgGrandize, our team spent years doing other work in countries around the world, and we had a front row seat to a lot of unsustainable, unhelpful work that just didn’t last.
So how do we increase the chances that our programming will go the distance and actually be sustainable?
“We’ll see,” said the Farmer.
As the story goes, the farmer and his son had a beautiful horse that ran away. They searched for days but couldn’t find the animal.
“That’s terrible luck,” the neighbors said.
“We’ll see,” said the farmer.
Happy Farmer First! Meet Pastor, & Special Needs Advocate, Kiyalbek
Kiyalbek was chosen to lead his congregation after the Soviet Union collapsed. Not long after, the young pastor’s family experienced a tragedy that reshaped their life and ultimately grew their faith..
Farmer First: George from Georgia
We start every month by focusing on a farmer around the world. Check previous Farmer Firsts you may have missed here, and this month we’re happy to introduce you to a farmer from the Republic of Georgia named George.
Better Access Helps Samuel Lift Himself From Poverty
74 year-old Samuel knows his ‘why’, the driving reason behind his farming.Originally from Gikungere Hill in the landlocked African nation of Burundi, Samuel is also a father to nine children and a grandfather 16 times over!