Happy Farmer First—Meet Frank the Farmer!
Frank was the first to raise his hand and try something new.
When you’re working in ag development, sometimes it’s tough to convince people to do things differently. When their parents and grandparents and generations of kin all farmed a certain way, choosing to shake things up can be scary.
But Frank has shown a willingness to try..
Men Find Hope At Ag Rehab Center
On a farm outside the capital city of Kyrgyzstan, men are finding Kingdom hope through farm work as they struggle to overcome addictions and rebuild their life…
Thanks to Farming Friends in Kyrgyzstan + Georgia!
Working closely with farmers and ag businesses mean our mostly-volunteer team is often traveling! Ag development requires trust, which means spending time together in-person as often as we can.
A small team recently visited two key partners in the Republic of Georgia and Kyrgyzstan.
When Was the Last Time Your Investments Gave You Joy?
While not a common question in the investment world, it’s one our community of impact investors asks often because we’ve seen what even a very small portion of our investments can do to support Kingdom renewal in chronically-underserved parts of the world.
Special thanks to the C Fund investors, who have had a tremendous impact in the lives of farmers in East Africa, Central Asia, and the Caucasus.
Farmer First: George from Georgia
We start every month by focusing on a farmer around the world. Check previous Farmer Firsts you may have missed here, and this month we’re happy to introduce you to a farmer from the Republic of Georgia named George.
Kyrgyz Partners Enduring Attacks From Corrupt Opposition
After an exciting season of growth and success, Oasis Agro—a feed company our community supports in Kyrgyzstan—is facing attacks by corrupt opposition.