C Fund, Impact Investing Matthew Willingham C Fund, Impact Investing Matthew Willingham

When Was the Last Time Your Investments Gave You Joy?

While not a common question in the investment world, it’s one our community of impact investors asks often because we’ve seen what even a very small portion of our investments can do to support Kingdom renewal in chronically-underserved parts of the world.

Special thanks to the C Fund investors, who have had a tremendous impact in the lives of farmers in East Africa, Central Asia, and the Caucasus.

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Annual Meeting Matthew Willingham Annual Meeting Matthew Willingham

New Year, New Work, Same Kingdom Vision!

Thanks to all of you who’ve stuck with us and invested or donated to Kingdom impact in regions like Central Asia and East Africa.

One key thing we’ve come to understand is that this work isn’t for everyone. It takes a very particular kind of person, with long-term vision to be involved in this work. We don’t react to catastrophes, we prep for them!

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Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, Oasis Agro Matthew Willingham Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, Oasis Agro Matthew Willingham

An Update on Oasis Agro, Corruption in Kyrgyzstan

Over the past few months, we’ve shared tough updates surrounding one of our most established ag partners, Oasis Agro in Central Asia.

Thanks to all of you who’ve donated, prayed, and followed along as we support our friends in Kyrgyzstan as they serve thousands of farmers across the region. Here’s an update from our board chair, Kevin Stark…

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East Africa, C Fund Matthew Willingham East Africa, C Fund Matthew Willingham

Investing Prospects: New Opportunities in East Africa

At AgGrandize, our Scout team finds excellent people to invest in, but we keep to a specific investment focus: using the C Fund to provide commodity loans.

That leaves many excellent opportunities out of our scope, but some of these businesses are just as strong as those we invest in. I’d like to present five opportunities that we appreciated visiting, to give you the chance to invest directly…

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Better Access Helps Samuel Lift Himself From Poverty

74 year-old Samuel knows his ‘why’, the driving reason behind his farming.Originally from Gikungere Hill in the landlocked African nation of Burundi, Samuel is also a father to nine children and a grandfather 16 times over! ⁠

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Meet Coffee-Farming Sisters Josephine & Frescesma!

These women are Josephine and Frescesme, two remarkable sisters whose love and support for one another inspires us.

In a culture where a woman’s honor and respect is tied to her marital status, you can imagine the challenges these strong, resilient women have faced in a male-dominated world, but they relied on one another to keep going and to grow their coffee farming business.

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East Africa, Kenya, Farmer First Matthew Willingham East Africa, Kenya, Farmer First Matthew Willingham

Farmer First: Margaret

Margaret is a Kenyan farmer and co-leads an agricultural business near Mt Kenya with her husband, Haron. Margaret’s farm felt like Eden, it was so lush and vibrantly ‘alive’ in every sense of the word. While we have not partnered with Margaret’s business, Akili Foods, they are a distributor of our latest portfolio partner and impact investment, Long Miles Coffee.

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Oasis Agro, Annual Meeting, Joseph Project Matthew Willingham Oasis Agro, Annual Meeting, Joseph Project Matthew Willingham

Meet Kostya & Kristina, Our Keynote Speakers this Dec!

Decades ago, a Russian named Kostya moved to the United States for college.

He graduated and met his wife, Kristina, and the two started work building houses. The business was successful, but during a Joseph Project gathering a few years ago, the couple felt led by God to build up people through construction work in Kyrgyzstan…

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A Food Business Trial Run For Kenyan Widows & Orphans

In a small region of Kenya outside the capital city of Nairobi, one local couple named Meshach and Elizabeth are using their God-given time and talents to serve widows and orphans in their area, and their out-of-the-box thinking and willingness to just try things for the sake of the Kingdom is absolutely beautiful.

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Urgent Need: Friends Enduring Break-Ins, Corruption

Our friends at Oasis Agro are requesting your help.

Oasis Agro’s growth and regional success has caught the attention of competitors, and these rivals have shown they’re willing to play dirty. Take two minutes to hear specifics from the Oasis Agro director, Micah Lund, and how you can push back against the corruption, break-ins, and dirty tactics by helping these portfolio partners fulfill their promise to farmers.

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