The Parable of the Old Corn Grower
It's an incredible joy to be part of work that leads to mutual, all-around flourishing for yourself and your neighbors. Thanks to all of you who've donated, invested, or volunteered to make that kind of work possible!
Your Giving Enabled This New Project In E. Africa!
After this crop, the funds will be recycled for future crops, with the profit going to sustain apprentice tuition and expenses. Thank you for investing in sustainable farm development projects like these!
Happy Farmer First! Meet Damir
The young farmer was kind enough to host our team for tea in his home (his mother’s baking was delicious), and then he gave us a tour of his ag business outside the ancient city of Samarkand.
Zambian Ag Students Battle Hen House Predator
On a visit to our partners in Zambia, Heartlands, and their beautiful discipleship and agricultural training school called Ebenezer, we noticed some of the students swatting and throwing rocks at something in the main hen house.
Baby Steps Toward Food Security In Rural Kenya
The people in these images above have said they want to move away from aid handouts and toward something more sustainable. They want to produce their own food so they can keep orphans and widows safe in their community, and that’s a next step that excites us!
Men Find Hope At Ag Rehab Center
On a farm outside the capital city of Kyrgyzstan, men are finding Kingdom hope through farm work as they struggle to overcome addictions and rebuild their life…
Happy Farmer First: Meet Gideon
I worked in the railway industry for decades, but that wasn’t as natural as this. Something about farming, it’s inborn for me, it’s who I am. I wanted to get away from the city and to enjoy a quieter life, and farming has made that possible. Thank you for coming to see what we do here.
VIDEO: Meet Uzbek Farmer Maroof
Maroof nearly had to leave home to provide for his family, but your giving enables farmers like Maroof to stay, earn a living, and live and work alongside their family.
Good News From Central Asia!
The initial fine was for $1.5 million, a staggering amount that no government official was able to fully explain or justify. The tax would have meant shutting down operations…
Train, Mentor, Befriend—Steps Every Farmer Needs to Grow
This is why our mostly-volunteer team of ag mentors provides 120+ hours of mentoring assistance to farmers around the world every month…
Happy Farmer First: Meet Nolodi!
We believe in help that lasts because we’ve seen how often nonprofit work doesn’t. Before starting AgGrandize, our team spent years doing other work in countries around the world, and we had a front row seat to a lot of unsustainable, unhelpful work that just didn’t last.
So how do we increase the chances that our programming will go the distance and actually be sustainable?
“We’ll see,” said the Farmer.
As the story goes, the farmer and his son had a beautiful horse that ran away. They searched for days but couldn’t find the animal.
“That’s terrible luck,” the neighbors said.
“We’ll see,” said the farmer.
This School You Support Offers Farming + Discipleship Training!
With drought and famine affecting much of East Africa, our partners in the region are a secure source of food for their neighbors and income for their families. This tomato crop has been highly valuable, providing a 50% profit and helping support an outstanding network of discipleship training centers you've helped support.
Minister of Agriculture Praises Innovative Chicken Houses
In a recent televised speech, the Kyrgyz Minister of Agriculture praised our partner’s mobile chicken house units. He also praised new chicken farming prototypes at a local ag expo in Bishkek, where partners demoed mobile chicken houses.
Carney Fire Fundraiser Update
We set a goal of $5k to help our director’s family find temporary housing and cover costs, and you exceeded that goal!
Happy Farmer First | Meet the Machinist, Abbas
This Farmer First we’re mixing things up and introducing you to Abbas, a young machinist who had just started working with our partners in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia.
Forehead shining with sweat, Abbas set his welding torch down and tugged off his gloves, stepping forward to shake our hands.
Thank you, James Project Donors!
Your giving is making some beautiful things possible here in rural Kenya, and we took some time during out last trip to show you some of them. Thanks to all of you who keep showing up to support people in Kenya, especially as they work for sustainability!
It’s Farmer First! Meet Dennis.
“He was our first broiler farmer in Zambia, and he has been very successful. Farmer Dennis helped show people this is all very possible, and their life can get better.” — Paul, Hamara Heartlands’ field staff
Aid vs Development: Two Stories
This old saying came to mind again on a recent trip through East Africa, and it’s a reminder why we do this work developing farms in underserved parts of the world. People stuck in poverty cycles are often very hard working, but the work is inefficient and they often lack the partnership, resources, and vision required to move toward self-sufficiency…
Thanks to Farming Friends in Kyrgyzstan + Georgia!
Working closely with farmers and ag businesses mean our mostly-volunteer team is often traveling! Ag development requires trust, which means spending time together in-person as often as we can.
A small team recently visited two key partners in the Republic of Georgia and Kyrgyzstan.